Science Jokes

Somebody asked me recently if there were any good chemistry puns left.
I said, “ionestly don’t know.”
We hope you enjoy our collection of terrible science jokes and ridiculous chemistry puns…
Hydrolab Visit

Nick headed over to Poland recently to visit our new supplier of pure lab water, Hydrolab.
It’s really important to us at Richmond Scientific to build relationships with our suppliers and customers alike, so it was great to visit, and be able to get hands on with some of the units before they come into stock later this week.
Science Gifts for the Lab Secret Santa

Are you feeling festive? Take a break and go for a scroll through our Christmas gift guide – Just a handful of fun science stocking fillers to bring a smile during the holiday season
Pol-Eko – Manufacturing Facility Visit

Last week Nick visited the Pol-Eko manufacturing site to have an in depth look at their operation and meet with some of their new team. Building great relationships with our suppliers and customers is an integral part of our business.
The Shellworks – Pioneers of the Bio-plastic Revolution

The Shellworks are taking food waste and turning it into ‘sustainable packaging alternatives to plastic that don’t compromise on performance or aesthetic’. This is where circular economy innovation meets design solutions that work in the real world.
Bactobio – Biotech start-up tackling antimicrobial resistance crisis.

Biotech start up Bactobio (until quite recently known as Baccuico) have the world of unidentified bacteria in their sights, aiming to ‘create a safer and greener world by harvesting valuable metabolites from biological dark matter’.
Experts in Exports: Applikon Bioreactors go to Germany

We recently sold a number of Applikon bioreactors to a company in Germany. These machines are sensitive, weighty and valuable, so packing them properly was absolutely essential to ensure safe passage across the sea and to their new home. We began by cleaning down and wrapping with high density foam and cellophane before loading the […]