HP Agilent G1315A DAD Diode Array Detector 1100 Series

Wavelength range from 190 to 950 nm

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The HP Agilent G1315A DAD Diode Array Detector offers an extended wavelength range from 190 to 950 nm, High sensitivity and spectral resolution, allows you to add spectral acquisition to your HPLC analysis. The detector can verify separation quality with peak purity, multiple signals and spectral libraries, both interactively or automatically in the same run as your analytical quantification.

The 1100 series DAD features 2 lamps (Tungsten and Deuterium) to ensure the highest light output for the lowest detection limits over the entire wavelength range. Whilst the 1,024 diodes and optical slit, that is programmable from 1 to 16 nm, enable the best possible spectral bandwidth. The temperature management system also ensures optimum baseline stability even under rough ambient conditions. The detector can conveniently fit into a single  Agilent 1100 Series HPLC stack.


Key Features of the HP Agilent G1315A DAD 1100 Series:

  • Wavelength Range: 190 to 950 nm
  • Wavelength Accuracy: ±1 nm
  • Tungsten and Deuterium lamps
  • 1024 – element photodiode array
  • Flow cells: 500 nanoliter, 0.5 µl volume, 10 mm cell path length and 50 bar max. pressure
  • Optical programmable slit – faster sample characterisation
  • Store and report slit settings, from 1 – 16 nm
  • Verify wavelength accuracy for GLP compliance – with automatic holmium oxide filter
  • RS-232C


Technical Specification Sheet for the G1315A DAD


Additional information

Dimensions47 × 35 × 15 cm



Wavelength Range

190 to 950 nm

Wavelength Accuracy

±1 nm




30 days (Richmond Promise)


Technical Specification Sheet for the G1315A DAD

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